
Showing posts from May, 2021

Why Most People Give Up Easily in Life

  Here is why most people give up easily in life. Every day new folks start an online business with the hope of putting out in the efforts like 5 times and then they are out. I just wonder why? The bitter truth is, anyone that's serious about making money online wouldn't just suddenly expect to make money from the second of getting started. Perhaps you expected that an experienced online marketing gurus would give you all their secrets on the first day for free, well, nope. It doesn't work that way.    Let’s talk about Abraham Lincoln, according to Lifehack , Lincoln’s failures were broad and numerous. He achieved the unique feat of leaving for a war a captain and returning a private (the lowest military rank). He next took failure in his stride during multiple failed business attempts. Undeterred, Lincoln marched into the political realm, where he launched several failed runs at political office before his ascendance to President. Coming back home. Let’s sa...